It is known for its humorous illustration and language, something unorthodox for a military manual at any time and age. The Tiger Tank Manual Powell acquired is a Tigerfibel.Interestingly, even if the player disables the notarget, the soldiers will not attack it until the alarm is raised.

If at the beginning of the level the player turns on notarget and wuss, and then leaves the truck using noclip, then he will receive the documents, and the German soldiers will greet the player.Initially, the player had to enter the perimeter using German documents and uniforms.Before the release, the level was called "The Paper Chase".It is also unknown why Henri was going there. Player can follow the truck that brought you, and see that as soon as he gets to the command post, disappears.Gather any intelligence on the new Tiger tank.This is not a stealth mission- you won't be able to keep your presence secret once you get to the Manor House, so I expect you'll have to neutralize quite a large number of the enemy to complete your mission. Prepare for heavy resistance after you get past the fence. I'll have a vehicle ready to pick you up. Once you have everything, get to the stone bridge past the front gate. If you see one, try to find some documentation. It should be quite obvious, as it will be quite larger than the standard Tiger or Panzer tank. We're still not sure whether that new heavy tank Colonel Hargrove mentioned is in the compound or not.

Finally, there should be a troop and supply manifest that will show exactly what they are deploying to this area. Next, you need to find any maps with their battle plans for the St. Of course, the Resistance will intercept the shipment before it actually gets there. Once you're past the inner gate, send a false communique by radio to direct a shipment of Kar 98K rifles to Courson. The inner gate to the estate is quite heavily defended, so I advise you to take some time to see if there are other ways to get past it quietly. You'll get a Winchester Riot Shotgun for this mission I hope Henri - your driver - remembered to give you some extra shells to go with it. But be careful! The area is still well guarded, and you'll have to choose your fights carefully. Très bien, Powell! While the enemy is busy with the mess you left behind, you'll have time to finish the mission.